Awakening women and sexual freedom

Awakening is the procedure where self deceptions are unveiled so that truth can stay fully. Awakening is the procedure whereby the divine mother consciousness in every man and women wakes up from a deep sleep with a goal of union with the father, the supreme source that created everything. Awakening women is when the mind and the body is cleaned up so we can commence embracing the love within us.
yoga in Lanzarote

The procedure of awakening is not simple. It is a procedure that shakes up all your limiting notions. The realization of something wrong about your core notions needs tremendous humility. If you can earn for truth more than just a petty illusion, this awakening procedure will take you to the heights of its glory. On this path we’ll be asked to shed all our concepts about the world, religion, spirituality and eventually our concepts about God. 

The procedure of awakening followed by yoga in Greece causes tremendous sadness and depression as anything that is not true is unveiled. All the unresolved hurt of the past, of this lifetime and past lifetimes, will be reviewed in the compassion of your heart and grief. It will be held by Divine mother awakening within you. 

Everyone on Earth will go through this procedure of awakening while carrying out yoga in Lanzarote. The present lifetime is an incredible one for all masters to keep in mind that they are to ascend. Be open about your soul leading the path. Remove all notions on who can teach you. Be open to learn from as many teachers you can. Releasing pain and suffering is quite fast when you are open to learning by any spiritual personality you select to teach you.


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